Rokiškis siekia pritraukti gydytojus: numato išmokas nuo 15 iki 50 tūkst. eurų


Rokiškio rajono savivaldybė nustatė naujas taisykles finansinei paramai gydytojams, kurios apima 15 tūkst. eurų vienkartines išmokas specialistams, kurie sutinka atvykti ir dirbti rajone. Gydytojai, norintys gauti šią paramą, privalo įsipareigoti dirbti rajone bent 2 metus, pilnu etatu ir užsiregistruoti gyvenamąją vietą Rokiškyje. Jei gydytojas sutinka dirbti ilgiau – 5 metus, jam gali būti suteikta dar 20 tūkst. eurų, o esant ypatingoms aplinkybėms – net 50 tūkst. eurų, išmokama etapais. Tačiau gydytojai, kurie jau dirba Rokiškio rajono sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose arba kurie perėjo iš vienos įstaigos į kitą, negali pretenduoti į šią paramą. Taip pat, parama nebus suteikta, jei gydytojas nutraukia darbo sutartį anksčiau laiko arba jei praėjo mažiau nei 5 metai nuo paskutinio darbo sutarties pasirašymo. Ši finansinė skatinimo programa jau padėjo pritraukti 9 gydytojus į rajoną nuo 2020 metų.

The Rokiškis district municipality has approved a new procedure for allocating financial support to doctors, under which specialists coming to work in the region will be eligible for a one-time payment of 15,000 euros. However, there are additional conditions in the proposal – the doctor must commit to working in the municipality for at least 2 years, with a workload of no less than one full-time position, and declare their place of residence in Rokiškis.

This year, a budget of 100,000 euros has been planned for attracting doctors, announced the Rokiškis district municipality.
„Under the new procedure, the one-time 15,000 euros payment is allocated to the doctor, if he commits to work at the Rokiškis district primary healthcare center for at least 2 years, with a workload of no less than one full-time position, and declares his place of residence in the Rokiškis district. If the doctor extends the employment contract with the primary healthcare center for another three years and commits to a total of 5 years of service, an additional 20,000 euros payment can be made tax-free. In this case, the payment to the doctor would amount to 35,000 euros,” announced the Rokiškis municipality.
Additionally, in exceptional cases, a doctor may be eligible for a one-time tax-free payment of 50,000 euros if he commits to work at the primary healthcare center for at least 5 years, with a workload of no less than one full-time position, and declares his place of residence in the Rokiškis district. This one-time payment would be made in installments – 20,000 euros upon committing to work at the primary healthcare center, and the remaining 30,000 euros after working for at least one year.

Despite this, doctors already working at the primary healthcare center or transferring from one Rokiškis district primary healthcare center to another are not entitled to apply for financial support, the municipality announced.
„They are also not eligible if they are funded under other funding schemes or have contractual obligations with the primary healthcare center. Financial support will also not be granted to doctors who have worked at the district primary healthcare center for less than 5 years before signing a new contract,” the statement said.
Furthermore, if a doctor terminates the contract with the primary healthcare center before the agreed term, he will have to repay the full amount paid, the municipality said.
According to the Rokiškis district municipality, as of 2020, 9 doctors in deficit specialties have already used financial support in the region: 5 in the Rokiškis district hospital and 4 in the Rokiškis primary care health center.
It is reported that this decision was made in hopes of encouraging the arrival and employment of needed doctors in the municipality’s healthcare institutions.

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