Naujos duomenų bazės ekologams – atvertos ir tarptautinės rinkos paieškos galimybės

According to the Ministry of Agriculture’s data, the changes in new databases were immediately important to organic farm owners. The Lithuanian seed database did not meet the requirements of EU legislation, and there were no databases for organically raised animals and juvenile animals in aquaculture. Farm owner Ernesta Bružienė from Rokiškis district says she will immediately switch to new databases because they are more convenient and open up opportunities for search in the international market.
Floriculture traditions in the Bajorinas family are passed down from generation to generation. In Kaunas district, in greenhouses, Darius Bajorinas and his family grow more than 100 different species of flowers and say that growing flowers is not as simple as it may seem at first glance.
Section „Business in the countryside.” Get to know 22-year-old Linas Laurumas, who already has a stable with 11 horses. Linas not only participates in competitions but also teaches others to ride.
Host Rūta Simanavičienė

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